JINDRICH FELD (b.1925): Flute Sonata, American Sonatine, PETER EBEN (b.1929): Sonatina Semplice, EDUARD DRÍZGA (b.1944): Partita, ERVIN SCHULHOFF (1894-1942): Flute Sonata.

Catalogue Number: 10J086

Label: Centaur

Reference: CRC 2841

Format: CD

Price: $16.98

Description: A collection of 20th century Czech music for flute and piano, all of it tonal, in varying degrees of neo-classicism or neo-romanticism except for Feld's 1995 American Sonatine, written for the performers here, which is dodecaphonic. Schulhoff is the best-known but it's instructive for those who automatically think of the organ to hear Eben's bright and cheerful 1955 piece; Feld's 1957 sonata is as easy going as his later work is hard-edged and Drízga's 1976 neo-baroque suite fits right in with the majority. Lana Johns (flute), Jackie Edwards-Henry (piano).


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