BERNHARD HERRMANN (1911-1975): Echoes, GEORGE ANTHEIL (1900-1959): String Quartet No. 3, PHILIP GLASS (b.1937): String Quartet No. 2 "Company", RALPH EVANS (b.1953): String Quartet No. 1.

Catalogue Number: 08K083

Label: Naxos

Reference: 8.559354

Format: CD

Price: $11.98

Description: Evans (the first violinist of this quartet) wrote the last two movements of this quartet when he was 13 and finished it in 1995: distinctive, personal and generally tonal, it makes a fine disc-mate for Glass' nine-minute piece from 1983, Antheil's conservative, folk-oriented in a Dvorakian way, quartet of 1948 and Herrmann's single-movement piece from 1965. The latter ended a 25-year dearth of concert compositions and has its origins in a ballet score later given by the Royal Ballet. Particularly good to have a new recording of anything by Herrmann! Fine Arts Quartet.


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